
200914_Encircle Logo_BlackWhite

Dear Seattle Birth Workers,

Supporting a family during the childbearing year is intense and rewarding. I believe that we need to support each other, so we can support new families. Together let's end birth worker burn out!

You are invited you to join our mission to make the next evolution of birth better than in any other time in history. 


Hope to meet you soon, 





600 x 600

Supporting Birthing Families in Recovery

Coming in 2022

7pm-9pm | $ Pay What You Can

Mentors: Angie Dobbins-Frisbie & Amity Kramer

Photo of Macall Gordan, Infant sleep speicalist

Navigating Infant Sleep

With Macall Gordon, Infant Sleep Specialist

Help your clients have realistic sleep expectations that are based on the best research available. Macall Gordon and Amity Kramer will help simplify this monster of a topic. Click on the purple button to learn more and register. 


family constellations workshops karen stocker

Process Art for Birth Workers

With Amity Kramer


Gather with other birth workers to make process art, journal, and reflect. This session will be offered live via Zoom.

February 11th, 2022| 11am to 1pm PST

*Pay what you can


Catherine Fenner breastfeeding class lactation

First Latch Class

Come learn all you need to know to support your clients in the early nursing sessions. Amity Kramer and Catherine Fenner, IBCLC will lead a workshop that will help you nurture a new family in the first hours and after birth.

January 29, 2022 | 9:30am to 11:30am PST

*Pay what you can