My Doula Story (by Amity)

I attended my first labor when I was just 16 years old when my older sister gave birth to my niece on my birthday! I witnessed the power of birth that day. I also learned that it is not just about the birth of a baby. Birth is the beginning of a new family with its own values and traditions.
Before training as a doula I had a unique opportunity to test the waters. A woman I knew was pregnant with twins and I offered my services postpartum free of charge. I would arrive at her house and work a 4-8am shift as a postpartum doula. This changed my life. Just sitting with this mother a few hours a week had a powerful impact on her experience. I began to work with other families during the postpartum period and found great joy in caring for the entire family. I have a wide range of experience with families and provide a range of support depending on individual family needs.
My unique role as a doula.
I attended my first birth as a doula in 2009. Since then I have attended births at homes, hospitals and birth centers. As a doula I am hands on and vocal when it is needed, and can slip into the background when not. I am constantly reading the birth space to make sure that all needs are being met within the birth team. I have held mothers in my arms during their labor and also created safe private space for couples to share intimate moments. The range of possibilities is endless and it is a privilege to witness the power of birth and families.
Life as a doula.
I currently take on about 8-10 births a year. I take a small load so that I can continue my growth as a mentor leading Birthing From Within childbirth classes and Bringing Baby Home relationship workshops, as well as nurture my own family. The small client load allows me to be fresh and excited when I do get called away. Being a doula is hard and burn out is common. It is a priority to me that I have this career for years to come. This is also why I work with back-up partners that allow me to have a somewhat reasonable schedule. Having a reliable back-up allows me to teach classes, go camping, and take days off-call now and again.
There are many amazing doulas in the Seattle area. I know that choosing the right one is often a very hard decision for parents to make. I recommend interviewing more than one and going with the doula you feel the strongest connection with. Your doula will be part of one of your families most important stories.