It is estimated that between 10-25% of all pregnancies result in miscarriage and that 1 in 3 people who experience pregnancy will decide to end a pregnancy at some point in their lives. Yet there is very little acknowledgement of the emotional and spiritual impact that these events can have on families. Losses at full term or still births impact around 1 % of families.
The majority of these experiences happen in the early stages of pregnancy, often before a pregnant person has let friends, family, or co-workers know that they are pregnant. Because miscarriage, abortion, and still birth are viewed as such taboo subjects, many people lack the support they need to acknowledging their grief and begin to heal.
By gathering in circle, participants have the opportunity to be witnessed in their full experience and to acknowledge the wide range of emotions that surround pregnancy and birth loss such as sadness, guilt, anger, and emptiness, within a safe and supportive container. We use ritual to honor this rite of passage regardless of the fact that there is not a baby to symbolize its occurrence.
Our 5 week healing circles will create space for:
We believe in the power of healing communities.
Facilitated by Katie Spataro, Sacred Womb Services. Space is limited to 6-8 participants. For more information contact
COST: Fee: $170 to $225 for 5-week series
Curious to learn more about the experience of a Pregnancy Loss Healing Circle? Here are answers to some Frequently Asked Questions: