Birth Is Wild, What You Can Do To Ensure It Is Not Out Of Control

You can’t escape this fact about labor.
There is this moment where no one has ever been before. The unknown becomes the known.
That is where the wild things are.
When birth is supported by a caring team this wild time can be a moment of transcendence. Sometimes it is trauma.
That is why it is so important to:
- Build your relationship skills in pregnancy
- Get more comfortable advocating for yourself
- Understand the wild part is normal
Some people think they can avoid it.
They can’t. Even a birth with pain medication will get wild and planned c-sections. There is really no escaping the fact that birth is a mystery that no one can plan out entirely.
There are 3 things you can do right now to get ready:
- Don’t consume content about childbirth that shames people.
- Enhance the coping and relationship skills you already have.
- Identify the values driving your birth plan and supporting your labor.
There is more to birth preparedness than learning every medical intervention that is possible. Go deeper within during your pregnancy and set yourself up for the best possible birth.
Birthing From Within classes are a great way to explore areas that will help you in unknown territory of birth and postpartum.
Thanks for reading,