On-Demand Birthing Classes


Sometimes you need information on your own timeline. Once you sign up for these workshops, some free, some paid, you will gain instant access and can consume on your own timeline.

A Class All About Labor Induction

Labor Induction Class

Intentional Induction

When labor induction is required, it's crucial to strive for a positive experience. This course explains the process and assists in incorporating your family values into the induction process.

Cost: $7.99


Parent rest in bed smiling at their newborn while talking about skills they learned in their prepared postpartum class.

Best Birth Partner 

An essential and concise class designed specifically for birth partners. It covers crucial aspects often overlooked in standard childbirth classes, focusing on the relational support needed during labor.

Cost: $7.99

For Postpartum

Photo by <a href="https://www.alecmillsphotography.com/" target="_blank" rel="noopener noreferrer"> My Alec Mills.</a>

Prepared Postpartum

Prepare for the initial weeks at home with your newborn. Discover how to handle being alone with your baby and feeling the pressure of early parenthood. Explore simple methods to stay connected and centered during this time.


seattle breastfeeding class

**Coming Soon**

Fighting Fair

It's common knowledge that couples tend to argue more after welcoming a baby. Equipping yourself and your partner with skills to navigate disagreements is crucial during such times. This class is designed to be brief yet effective in addressing these challenges.


birthing class with expecting parents

Discover the Best Birthing Classes Near You: Empowering Parents for an Optimal Birth Experience!

Discover the Best Birthing Classes Near You: Empowering Parents for an Optimal Birth Experience!
Are you expecting a little bundle of joy? The journey to parenthood is an exciting one, but it can also be overwhelming, especially for first-time parents. To ensure that you are fully prepared and empowered for the birthing process, enrolling in a birthing class can make all the difference. In these classes, you will learn valuable techniques and strategies to navigate labor, delivery, and even postpartum care.

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The Truth About Lack Of Sleep You Need To Know Before You Have A Baby

What is it like to have a baby and not get any sleep? It is love and joy—right along side all of the hard work and lack of sleep. How…

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Babies sleep a lot. The problem is, most babies sleep best when they are being held. This will mess you up if your are not ready.

Babies sleep a lot. The problem is, most babies sleep best when they are being held. This will mess you up if your are not ready. Most new parents want…